A Psalm: My heart blossoms and overflows with joy!
Hallelujah to my GOD!
God of grace, abundantly giving Peace.
Pouring out joy, joy, joy, I am so full of joy!
My heart overflows, I can not contain this feeling.
My heart leaps from my chest saturated with joy, shouting.
” I have joy, come one and all, come far and wide.
Come and know this joy inside!
I’m full to the brim, I overflow in abundance and couldn’t ask for more!
I am whole and free, nothing holds me back…. watch as I soar.
Watch, as I sing of the untainted joy I know, the joy I love.
that no man can steal and no one can crush!!”
Sustaining joy emanates from within…
“Look! draw near, draw near my friends!
I am beating with joy, see for yourself,
watch as I melt….
into the hands of joy.
Once I knew sorrow, once I knew pain,
I was burdened down by weights so heavy, I fell crumpled and slain.
Once I was hopeless, empty, weary, and defeated.
But now my heart knows joy, and has again started beating!
Thank you my God, thank you my love,
You removed my cloud of despair and lifted me up!
Now I am a heart who knows joy, I must smile, I must laugh,
I must sing, praise be to the father! And unto the Lamb!!!
I am set free, and I am the Victor!
watch as life anew springs up like a river!
…But Of your grace, what can I say? Words can’t compare!
For if my sins are an ocean, your grace is the air.