So I was listening to the first two songs on my favorite instrumental soundtrack and I wrote this. I hope it is encouraging and inspiring to someone!
Click the link to play the music, while you read.
Also if anyone is wanting to write and doesn’t know where to start, play some of your favorite instrumental music and just write whatever the music makes you feel or imagine. That is what I did. Happy writing!!
Go ahead, play the song.
The earth is dark and empty, the wind howls a song through the forlorn sky,
She is despairing over the horrible emptiness and darkness….
But when the trees hear her sing, they come alive and join in the song.
Then the flowers blossom and sing along in a joyful harmony!
Even the clouds wake up and remember how to sing.
When they join in the chorus, their voices match the sound of a thousand angels.
Then with the gusto of trumpets, the sun bursts forth in all its glory chasing the darkness away.
2nd song:
Hopelessness and heartbreak hang in the air, there is nothing but the stench of death covering the land.
But Hope comes in subtly, gently. As if unsure of her welcome.
She proceeds cautiously.
“Let me sing a song for you, little ones,” she whispers.
She sings a resurrection song, it’s calling those that were killed in battle to come back to life.
“Come, back. Come back. Wake up.
Come back to me, awake!”
Hope graces it wings to soar, and roars to life. “WAKE UP!” she shouts.
The greatest moment is coming, an army of life is arising.
And still she sings her heart out, as if our lives depend on it.
She will never die. Death has no place where Hope lives.
Still the sadness and sorrow of death is not chased away, it lingers on, its hold is strong.
But Hope can never be conquered, so she sings on.
On and on she marches, over the battle field, singing and dancing to her lovely,
and awakening song.
It’s soothing, balming, refreshing, surrounding and holding everything together in its rightful place.
Hope is holding everything together.
She soothes the senses with radiance and warmth.
And it’s working!
They are waking up!
Her song continues on, and says,
“Let Hope grow,
Here I am!
I am Hope!
Let Hope take root and grow!
Let it raise you from your death.
Let it sink into your skin,
Let its warmth absorb into your frozen, hollow soul.
Let a single ray of hope fall into your heart.
Never let it leave you.
Hold fast.
It’s far too precious.
Let it linger on,
let it anchor you down.
Just hold onto me tightly!”
She sings over the slain.
“And remember that Hope always wins the battle.
Hope always wins.”
Hope brings the heart back to life.
It breathes life , as hearts start beating once more!
Her song is calling,
calling you back to life.
“Awake, and live!
Be alive!
Hope has won!
The battle is over, Hope has WON!