Because the one thing you can never get back is your time. Instead of letting time fly by, challenge yourself to take the time for the simple pleasures. Don’t worry about trying to keep up with the Jones’s. In the end you will be glad you set the time aside to enjoy not just the little things, but ALL the things.
Category Archives: All The Wonder of Self-Care
This section is all about self-care tools I am learning in Grad School, it’s more tailored towards women, introverts, dreamers, artists, rebels, writers, imagineers. But it’s also helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about self-improvement and bettering their lives. In this category I write about understanding the self, and boosting self-worth. I also am a strong advocate for teaching others to value and love themselves, which I believe comes from being kind to yourself, knowing who you are what you need.
Little Bucket List
So I thought I would make a bucket List that my younger self would have wanted. You can make one too! Now this list is not a list that says what car or house I want or how to advance my career and other realistic goals. (Although it is good to have a list of those things) This Little Bucket list is specifically for the impractical and not so realistic goals of a much younger version of yourself. If you could go back in time and make a bucket list as a child, what would you write? What silly unrealistic dreams did you once have? Then you can make a list of whatever you can remember and post it in the comments below. Here is my list:
- Be a pirate and sail the sea
- Ride in a hot air balloon or magic carpet
- Visit every city in the world
- Go to a masquerade ball
- Be a princess for a day
- Be a talented singer
- Be able to dance
- Be able to ice skate
- Discover something that’s never been discovered
- Explore space or the bottom of the ocean
- Go see a real ballet
- Start an orphanage and take care of all the unwanted children
- Design my own clothing
- Speak several Languages
- Get Married
- Be a musician and composer
- Have a pet monkey
- Be a mother
- Feel what its like to be a mermaid by scuba diving
- Be able to bake yummy things
So I know some of these are far fetched, but that’s the point. Anyways I can only cross off three things off my childhood bucket list. I married my best friend this summer and a few years ago I got to see the Royal ballet perform at The Palais Garnier in Paris. It was so beautiful I cried! More than once.
And the other one I can cross off is I am on my way to becoming a good singer! I am finally taking voice lessons this year. My whole life I dreamed of singing but was too scared to actually pursue it. And now I am finally doing it, the surprising part is that I’m actually good at it! Hurray!
So now I am going to pick 2 things off my list and actually try to accomplish them. And when those are all done I am gonna pick 2 more!
1. I am going to restudy Italian, by buying the Pimsleur program from Barnes and nobles for Christmas. And eventually I will by the French one too. And then hopefully the Russian one.
2. My hubby just ordered a book that has all kinds of artisan bread recipes in it! Once I start baking yummy things, I will put up a new post about how the recipes are coming along.
And there you have it, I am on my way to achieving some childhood dreams!!
So what about you guys? Why don’t you make a list, and share it in the comments. Then brainstorm and dream about how you could actually achieve it. Simplify it and start with very small and realistic steps, but be as creative as possible! Then after you accomplish one, try do do another! Some of them may take time and that’s OK, just give it your best shot, your inner child will thank you. 🙂
If a Child Can Do It, So Can You!
How often do we dismiss kids? They’re always too little and too inexperienced to be taken seriously. We consider them too young to understand anything of great importance. Yet with most children there is more than meets the eye. They really are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. My four year old nephew blows my mind with how alert and smart he is. Kids actually learn so much faster than adults, but how often do we stop and listen to what they have to say?
I think kids can do some truly amazing things, they just need someone who believes in them enough, and gives them a chance to try. Here are some fascinating young people that will inspire you and prove to you that incredible things can come in very small packages.
Adora Svitak is considered to be the most clever kid in the world. She’s just your everyday little girl genius, giving a lecture to intelligent scholars.
Charlie Simpson raises 100,000 to help Haiti, oh yeah…. he’s only 7 years old.
Laura Dekker breaks a world record by sailing around the world alone. At only 14 she traveled around the world by herself and made a movie about it.
Greg Grossman started working in kitchens at 8, then at 12 started his own cooking and catering business. No big deal just your average 12 year old getting a jump start on his career.
Brooke, only 11 has already set 4 climbing world records! …..And I can’t even climb a tree.
So Jake Barnett is a self taught genius studying for his Masters Degree in Quantum Physics. He is now 14 and has the possibility of winning the Nobel prize…. wait What?!?
Akiane Kramarik, my personal fave, is a self taught artist. Her paintings are just stunning. She started at 8 and over the years shes gotten better and better. Go check out her recent artwork!
This 7 year old Elias is an incredibly talented pianist! So adorable, he is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Angelina Jordan’s voice transports me to a different time. Her unique, jazzy sound is so mature, compared to her 8 year old body. How is this even possible? Mind blown.
And then theres this little girl in Ukraine, Emily Moskalenko. How does she dance like that?
Just skip to 6:00 mins to see her impressive moves.
Jackie Evancho started at 9 and sings opera like a professional. Her voice sounds like the voice of an angel, and yet she is so humble.
I hope this inspires you to do something you’ve always wanted to do! If these kids can do it… so can you. Just find someone who will believe in you and encourage you.