Category Archives: All The Wonder of Self-Care

This section is all about self-care tools I am learning in Grad School, it’s more tailored towards women, introverts, dreamers, artists, rebels, writers, imagineers. But it’s also helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about self-improvement and bettering their lives. In this category I write about understanding the self, and boosting self-worth. I also am a strong advocate for teaching others to value and love themselves, which I believe comes from being kind to yourself, knowing who you are what you need.

Chronic Stress

Nowadays, it’s so easy to get caught up in the week, trying to get everything accomplished, but feeling like there’s never enough time. In the US it’s common to stay so busy, either with work, raising a family, school or other activities that we forget to stop and carve out time just for ourselves. We forget to make our peace a priority and we forget how important stress-reducing activities are for good self-care. Perhaps taking time for yourself sounds selfish, or maybe you’re not sure how exactly to gauge if you need to take time for yourself. But rest assured, setting aside time for yourself, is not selfish and will actually improve your relationships with others and can help you be more productive. Sometimes we just need to slow down our lifestyle and allow ourselves a period of stillness, where we can just be, without any pressures or expectations bearing down on us.

However, for some people, it’s not as simple as that, because some people don’t even realize they are living with Chronic Stress. If you don’t know what Chronic Stress is or if it’s affecting you, try asking yourself the following questions:

Do you spend all your time taking care of others and never have a moment alone? Do you spend the majority of your time working? Do you feel like you have to be doing something all the time as if you must be productive? Do you spend a lot of your time worrying about work, the future or others? Or do you experience anxiety and stress even when you’re not doing anything? Does it feel like you have been experiencing one distressing setback after another? Have you been sick a lot or mentally struggling for a significant amount of time? Or perhaps you are struggling with PTSD or have recently experienced a traumatic event that you can’t seem to get past?

Then chances are, you are living with Chronic Stress. Chronic stress happens when you experience stressful situations, circumstances or thought patterns that have continued for a long period of time. Sometimes people get so used to living under stress, it becomes their new normal, even when the original source of stress is gone. In fact according to, a great database full of up-to-date medical knowledge, “constant exposure to stressors tends to synthesize the individual to the situation… The low level of stress may become a way of life and negatively impact the health of the individual.”

Now, experiencing occasional stress is not a bad thing in itself, some people even thrive under pressure. And small amounts of stress can also “provide stimulation and intellectual challenge,” so not all stress is bad. But when stress is prolonged, it can turn into Chronic Stress which can eventually lead to paranoia, anxiety, depression, and even psychiatric disorders. Also, stress can cause emotions such as intolerance, dread, irritability, impatience, mood swings, and compulsive behavior and make you feel emotionally overwhelmed.

But stress doesn’t just affect your mental and emotional health, it can also damage your immune system, your hormones, your reproductive system, your heart, your nervous system, your metabolism, and even damage your digestion. It can also negatively affect the neural pathways in your brain and can affect your ability to learn, retain memories and damage your attention span. Chronic Stress can also cause sleeping problems, heart disease, headaches, and inflammation and negatively affect your blood pressure and blood sugar. Needless to say, Chronic Stress is not a good thing, and it wreaks havoc on your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

So what actually happens the moment you experience stress?

When you experience stress you go into fight or flight mode which affects your mood, your motivation and your level of fear. Also, cortisol is released from your adrenal glands, making you sweat, your heart race, your muscles tense, causes your breathing to go faster and can also cause trembling. Often going into fight or flight mode is your body’s way of initiating a response in an attempt to avoid imminent danger. For some people, this might look like your mind jumping into overdrive allowing you to figure out your next move. However, others might respond differently and may feel paralyzed by fear, while others will experience the urge to fight back. Either way, the end result will often leave you exhausted, worn out and emotionally drained. The good news is that our bodies are built in such a way that we are able to bounce back from the occasional stressful situation. However, when we experience frequent stress and our stress is prolonged then “it challenges the body’s ability to maintain physical and emotional homeostasis and is associated with negative bodily responses.” We already know all the negative side effects from Chronic Stress, but what exactly is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is your body’s unique ability to maintain it internal environment. It is your body’s natural ability to return to a harmonious state by helping your reflexes return to “its previously calm state after a stressful encounter.” In fact, you can think of homeostasis as a little rubber band that stretches back and forth without breaking. This ability to stretch allows your body “to remain in a dynamic steady state, whereby it continually adjusts to maintain its internal function.” Simply put, this means that after a stressful, dangerous or scary situation, your body and mind will bounce back and you will be able to calm down and return to normal.  But if you experience chronic stress, then that means your body has lost the ability to re-balance itself. It means that your body can no longer reach homeostasis, or return to harmony because it’s stuck in the fight or flight stress-induced stage all the time.

If you are experiencing chronic stress, or even if your body has not yet lost the ability to reach homeostasis, but you feel stressed and overwhelmed so often, that you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be normal.… then start making it a priority to carve out time for yourself. Taking the time for yourself so you can recover and recharge is so important, because the longer you let stress build, the more likely you are to get stuck with Chronic Stress! This is why psychologists recommend finding activities you can engage in that reduce your stress. This means you are living in a constant state of stress, which has been proven to be very damaging to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

So, if you think you might be stuck experiencing Chronic Stress, then it’s time to get proactive about recovering your peace. Make a commitment to be more engaged and take time to do what you like to do, so you can feel both calm and fulfilled. That might look like hiring a babysitter, turning your phone and TV off, or turning down that overtime at work so you have more free time. Or maybe it looks like having your spouse go out to have a guy’s or girl’s night out, so you can be alone and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Either way, resist the temptation to just watch TV or scroll through your phone endlessly to decompress. And instead try developing a stress-reducing hobby that invests in your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

If you need ideas for activities that have been proven to reduce stress than check out my next post: 20 WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS.

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20 Ways To Reduce Stress

When it comes to good self-care, managing a  tolerable level of stress is paramount. And prioritizing your peace above all else is one of the most important steps you can take to increase your well-being and wholeness. So how can you incorporate hobbies into your life that reduce your stress?  Well, stress relieving hobbies can look different for everyone, and certain activities that reduces stress for some people, may not work for others.  But either way, studies have shown that setting aside time to relax and decompress is a great way to relieve depression, anxiety, chronic pain and Chronic Stress.

So ask yourself, what do you gravitate towards when you have free time? What makes you feel more calm and collected after a hard, long day? Think about how this activity affects you emotionally, do you still feel anxious or tense afterwards?  Or perhaps you feel more at ease and quiet inside?

Also consider what you might be thinking about when you do these hobbies. Because how your thoughts change or are soothed during these activities are important and part of what helps you decompress.

So, without further ado, here are 20 things you can do, that have been proven to reduce stress. Try one, try all, try as many as you need to, until you find something that helps you feel more at ease and relaxed.

  1. Breathing exercises. Instead of the shallow breaths most of us take normally, focus on taking deep, even breaths through your diaphragm/abs without lifting your shoulders.
  2. Taking a nap. Believe it or not, studies have shown that regular naps can reduce stress.
  3. Meditating. You can do this either by clearing your mind or just by focusing on positive thoughts and practicing thinking about all the things you have to be grateful for.
  4. Try Yoga or Pilates. A lot of people find it helps them release pent-up stress and helps calms them down so they feel more centered in their body.
  5. Get a massage. Many people tend to hold stress in their physical body, and massages can be an excellent way to release the built-up tension in your muscles and limbs.
  6. Play your favorite music and dance or if you don’t know how to dance, look into taking a dance class. Sometimes just moving to music is a great outlet not only to express yourself but to get yourself out of your head and into the present. Also, it can help you get more in tune with your body and reduce tension.
  7. If you are crafty and sentimental, try creating a photo album or scrapbook. It’s a fun way to decompress while you’re using your creative side.
  8. Get in the Kitchen and start baking or cooking for fun, you can even take a course if you don’t have much experience.
  9. Paint! Or if you’re feeling less than confident, then see if there is a Paint and Sip class in your area and learn to paint for fun.
  10. Start a small flower or vegetable garden. As long as it’s relaxing for you, and doesn’t just turn into endless yard work projects, gardening has been proven to reduce stress.
  11. Art. Sculpting, drawing, or coloring adult coloring books are all great ways to relieve stress. There is a reason art therapy is becoming more popular because it allows you to tap into your deeper feelings and thoughts that you may not have known were even there. Also color does have deeper meanings behind it, which can be a window into how you’re really feeling. This means that using color can be a great way to bring subconscious emotions to the surface so you can let any pent-up emotions be released.
  12. Photography can also be considered art therapy and is just as useful because it gives you an outlet to express yourself through visual art media.
  13. Alternatively, you can try journaling or creative writing, to help get your thoughts and feelings out and relieve anxiety. Plus, there have been plenty of studies that show positive physical health benefits for those who express themselves through writing.
  14. Sewing and knitting are two great ways that allow you to shut your mind off and work with your hands. Also it can help take your mind away from your worries and help you reach a more meditative state of mind.
  15. Relaxing sports: Golfing, swimming, Horseback riding, Tai Chi and water sports have all been proven to have relaxing effects that reduce stress.
  16. Hiking in nature: This doesn’t have to be an aerobic exercise or an uphill climb, it can simply be walking through nature and appreciating the sights around you, while letting the soothing sounds of nature melt your stress. It can also help quiet your mind, allowing you the freedom to think without any distractions.
  17. You can also try learning an instrument, or just listen to music. While music is a known stress reliever, it can also evoke emotion and can help determine your internal feelings. Music also can help reveal things about who you are and it can help you express your emotions. So pay attention to how the music you listen to makes you feel emotional. Does it help calm you down and ease the tension? Or does it help you let out your pent-up feelings? Music that can do either of these things is an excellent way to feel less stressed.
  18. Reading is a great way to reduce stress because it allows you to shift your focus from daily stressors. And it can even lower your heart rate and ease tension in your muscles.
  19. Crafting: This can mean a lot of things, you can build something, decorate something, or just be creative upcycling random thrift stores find. Crafting can allow you to be creative while also feeling like you have something you can control. Which can help ease the stress from things in our life that we can’t control. And the bonus is that you’ll have something cool to show for it once you’re finished!
  20. For some people, organizing can be a great way to calm the mind, and feel accomplished while allowing you the stillness to decompress from a long day.

Never Lose That Childlike Wonder

Sometimes, we let our past circumstances dictate our future. Sometimes our pain causes us to cease living. One of the greatest  tragedies about growing up is our loss of childlike innocence. And in my life, there have been many times where I’ve let fear and pain stop me from living. Where I stopped thriving and was simply surviving, numb to the world. But that’s why I love the idea of being like a child and letting ourselves live abundantly.

So, think back to when you were young, before your painful life experiences. Before hurt and fear found a permanent place to reside in you. And ask yourself what it would look like to go back to when you were just happy to be alive, instead of afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Ask yourself if there are areas in your life where your too grown up, and could use some childlikeness.

But remember, there is an important difference between being childish, and childlike. To be childish is often used in a derogatory way when someone acts, infantile, selfish, immature, impatient, foolish, irrational or petty. When people criticize, shame and belittle others and act entitled, they are acting like a child. Similarly, trying to control other people and demanding or manipulating others to get your own way is also considered childish.

But to be childlike means to have the good qualities of a child. To be innocent, trusting, eager, open-hearted and able to speak your mind without fear of backlash. Being like a child also means you are optimistic, hopeful for the impossible, full of wonder, wide-eyed with enthusiasm, genuine and honest. Typically, children trust and expect that the best is yet to come, they have a lot to look forwards to and are therefore full of hope and faith that things will all work out. They don’t look back at the past with regret or what if’s and neither do they often experience anxiety about what tomorrow will bring. Being an adult who is like a child means you let yourself rely on others, because you are able to ask for help. Most children don’t feel like they have to do everything themselves and be self-sufficient, instead they understand intrinsically that they are not an island, and that it’s okay to ask for help. And most children are not typically jaded and closed off, unable to see the best in people and let them into their heart.

Now I don’t know about you, but I have spent a lot of time trying to be completely self-sufficient so I never have to ask for help. Trying to do everything correctly, so I don’t have things I have to have any regrets. And I have spent way too much time worrying about the future, rather than be present and enjoying the moment. And way too much time being suspicious of others, too afraid to let them get to know the real me. So, my goal is to once more be a child who lives in wonder. Who lives and loves unconditionally and unguarded, and unafraid to be her true self. Who’s always full of hope, expecting good things to happen. And who throws caution to the wind and follows her dreams at any cost. I want to live life like the child I once was.

Here are just a few small things you can do to be more childlike:

Take a chance on someone, by letting down your guard.

When someone compliments you or says something kind, don’t shrug it off. But instead pause for a moment and consciously choose to accept their words as genuine.

Show more affection than you usually do and go hug someone.

Do something to pamper and love yourself.

Go do something just for the thrill of it.

Focus on being present in the moment.

Appreciate the wonder of the little things.

Practice gratitude and thankfulness.

Go appreciate nature.

Believe the best about whatever situation your in.

Speak your mind, without worrying about what people might think.

Be as blunt as your younger self once was.

Expect the best instead of the worst in a situation.

Do the opposite of what your fears are telling you to.

Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

Ask someone for help, even if you think you shouldn’t need it.

And lastly, take the first step to pursue your dreams.

Aim to be a child at heart. And to never forget to wonder as you wander.

From Powerless to Powerful: Enforcing Boundaries

As a child, I was powerless. Powerless to speak my mind, powerless to say no and powerless to express my needs and wants. But fast forward to plenty of therapy later, I am learning that I can be a powerful person and so, I’ve been more proactive in establishing healthy boundaries. Because as I mentioned in another post, boundaries are key to feeling powerful and having fulfilling healthy relationships!

I’m learning to recognize when I need to say no to people, and am not so quick to give, when I ‘m running on empty. Perhaps you know the feeling, perhaps you too are learning to set good boundaries so you don’t feel overrun and overextended all the time. But boundaries can be tricky, especially for those who are used to getting run over.

Trust me, I get it. In my attempt to hold good boundaries, I’ve had some setbacks. Quite a few to be honest. And I’m left feeling frustrated and taken advantage of once again, as I continue to bend over backwards for people. I’ve learned the hard way, that most people don’t seem to respond well to my boundaries and they push back, so I fold. Rather than stand my ground, I give in to what they want. I don’t enforce my boundaries because I either:

A) don’t want to put up a fight,

B) am worried about how they’ll respond and if they’ll get angry,

or C) I feel guilty for being “mean” and unaccommodating.

But as my counselor is teaching me, it’s not wrong for me to enforce my boundaries. In fact, it is paramount that I learn to enforce my boundaries so that I don’t I become, overwhelmed, irritable, impatient and resentful towards others. If I don’t maintain my boundaries, my relationships begin to feel heavy, one sided, and I end up getting taken advantage of. But the journey from a powerless person, to a powerful person isn’t easy and doesn’t happen overnight, especially if you’re surrounded by people who are used to you giving in when they don’t respect your boundaries.

But don’t give up, there is a way through this! The fact that you are even trying to set boundaries is an impressive step that shows you’re really trying to improve yourself and your relationships. Hang in there! Because even though we can’t control other people’s reaction to our boundaries, we can stick to our guns and grow stronger at holding them.

So, if you give someone a boundary and they roll right past it, remind them a second, third or fourth time; be kind, but firm. And make it clear that you won’t budge on your position until they agree to respect your position. Let it be a learning opportunity for them to realize that a healthy relationship takes mutual respect, perhaps they’ll grow with you. If they are treating you with disrespect or cruelty make it clear that you won’t engage with them until they treat you better, that those are your standards for friendship. And when they forget or slip back into old habits of being degrading or calling names, remind them of your boundary and make it clear that you won’t be around them until they stop treating you this way.

Or if you tell someone no and they ignore you and do what they want anyways, keep saying it and then remove yourself from the environment if they refuse to listen. And if they’re asking for something from you (for a favor, for your time, money, resources, or emotional help) clearly let them know what you need from them in advance. Communicate what your boundaries are, so that you don’t take on too much and get burnt out helping others. Remember, it’s not wrong to want to help people, but there is a fine line between rescuing and helping, and the moment we become someone’s rescuer is the moment we overextend ourselves and run the risk of burn out. Ask yourself what they can take responsibility for, so that their problems, needs or requests aren’t all on your plate. Is there a part they can do to help themselves, so you’re not taking care of them?

Unfortunately, sometimes people will agree to your boundaries when you tell them (some people will agree to anything) but when the time comes, they still haven’t done their part. And yet they’ll expect you to fulfill your end of the bargain. It can really be infuriating! But if you (like me) are used to giving in to others and are new to holding boundaries, then your natural instinct will be to forget the boundaries you set and just do whatever they want to get them off your back. This is any easy cycle to fall back into, but please don’t! Instead, remind them of the commitment they made to you, before you give them what they want. Make it very clear (because maybe they didn’t understand last time, or simply didn’t think you meant it). But be up front that you are waiting on them to fulfill their end of the bargain and that they must respect your boundaries before you move forward.

Sometimes you might feel like you’re being a stickler, or being mean, or like your being heartless, but you’re not! If you are learning to set boundaries than it’s really important to not let the small stuff slide. To not give in when they put up a fight, because your peace of mind and well-being matters! You shouldn’t have to give in to people who get upset at boundaries, just because you’re a peacemaker. Practice enforcing your boundaries even when it seems insignificant or not worth the hassle. It’s far too easy to say they really seem to be fighting back, so perhaps I should give in, it isn’t worth the fight. But what you’re really saying is that you’re not worth the fight, that your peace of mind, and ability to not feel overwhelmed and pushed around isn’t worth it. And that’s not true, you are worth it! Your mental and emotional health is worth standing your ground for and is worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for! So stop letting people use up all your energy, and don’t let people treat you as worth less than you are! Some people will take you for granted if you let them, so stand your ground and enforce those boundaries when when it seems hard or like it’s so small it doesn’t matter. Because you matter! Focusing on your self-care doesn’t make you selfish, it’s what helps you grow into a healthy, happy and powerful person. You can do this.

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From Powerless to Powerful: Why Boundaries Matter

Chances are, you’re like most of the human race and you weren’t taught how to create healthy boundaries as a child. You may not know that much about what boundaries are or how they can help you become a powerful person. I of all people know how that feels, I’ve spent most of my life letting people in without regard to boundaries and then in response I would inevitably erect giant walls when I became hurt or overwhelmed. I thought the walls would keep me safe, but as I’ve learned from my therapist, they only temporarily suppressed my fears and kept out all the love and companionship I desperately desired. Because building up walls not only keeps out the bad, it keeps out the good.

In our attempt to protect ourselves from the bad in the world, we end up blocking out opportunities to let in the good. But don’t feel bad, most all of us do it, it’s a knee jerk self-protective reaction to hurtful experiences. Unfortunately in the end, all it does is stifle your heart and suffocate your voice until your left miserable, repressed, exhausted and alone.

So, here’s where those notorious boundaries come into play; boundaries allow you to become a powerful person. Boundaries help you speak up for yourself and vocalize your needs (thereby taking the power back in your life so you no longer feel like a victim). And boundaries also allow you to weed out the hurtful and controlling relationships that are negatively affecting you. When people don’t have boundaries they end up at the mercy of others, vulnerable to damage or abuse. But healthy boundaries will actually help you recognize your self-worth and build your self-esteem, because you’ll understand that you really do deserve better. And clear boundaries will also help you build your trust in others and create respectful, supportive and caring relationships you can rely on.

So how does a person go about creating healthy boundaries rather than building giant walls of self-protection? I’m glad you asked. In my experience setting boundaries, can be as simple (and as difficult) as telling people no. It can look like walking away from someone and not spending more time with them when they treat you poorly. And it can also look like having clear conversations where you share your expectations of what you want your relationship to look like. Ultimately boundaries requires patience and open communication with people around you. It can be scary at first, and if you’re like me, it can take a long time to get used to, but ridding yourself of the dead weight of codependency is competently liberating. And from someone who’s made it to the other side by weeding out the bad relationships and setting clear boundaries, I am here to say, it is so worth it. Thanks to setting boundaries, I have so much more patience, freedom, peace of mind, confidence and self-love that I almost don’t recognize the happy person I’ve become.

So, take some time to think about areas where you feel poorly treated in your relationships, or like you’re being pulled on too much. Do you often find yourself bending over backwards for people? Are you trying to make others happy or are afraid to let people down? Do you feel taken advantage of, like your friendships are one sided? Or maybe you have a close relationship with someone who always puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself? Do you have people in your life who try to control or influence you and cause you to feel powerless or defeated after being around them? Do they tear at your self esteem, and make you feel like you’re less than them? Do you often find yourself saying yes to people out of guilt, even when you don’t want to, or know you don’t have the time or energy to do what they’re asking? Do you feel like a victim being tossed around by others or feel drained all the time? Do you feel like you are living your life for someone else and not being true to yourself and what you want or need?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re likely in need of some strong boundaries in your life. Even though it may seem hard at first, and you may worry about losing relationships, I promise you the freedom you’ll find on the other side is worth it. Sadly, not everyone will respond kindly to your newly erected boundaries and some might even go as far as to reject you. But just know that if they do, then those were never good relationships that were going to last anyways. Let those toxic people go, and focus on finding people who can respect your boundaries so that you can both feel mutually respected, and supportive. Without boundaries there can be no trust, and without trust vulnerability becomes dangerous. and relationships dysfunctional.

A good place to start setting boundaries is to pause and think about the things in your life that you want people to stop saying to you. And to think about the things you want people to stop doing to you, or around you.

According to you should think critically about your current boundaries and ask yourself some of these key questions:

  • “How much attention do people expect from you at a moment’s notice?”
  • “Do you always make yourself available?”
  • “How much praise and acceptance do you receive?”
  • “How do you feel after spending time with each friend or family member?”

After analyzing your answers, think about the areas in your life where you could use some vocalized boundaries. If you’re always available to go out of your way for someone at a moments notice, maybe you start setting time limits on your availability, so that you don’t feel so exhausted. If you feel drained, defeated or powerless after being around a certain person, think about what they’re saying… are they critical, judgmental or disrespectful to you? If so, tell them how their words or tone makes you feel and let them know that you won’t tolerate being treated as inferior… and that if they want your company they need to treat you with more respect. (And make sure to let them know that you’ll do the same for them as well, because respect goes both ways.)

If you’re saying yes to everyone all the time out of guilt, ask yourself why you feel so guilty, will the world really end if you don’t do this thing for someone? If guilt is motivating you, then try saying no to people and only saying yes when you have the energy or resources to do so. If you get frustrated helping someone who’s always in a crisis, resist the impulse to fix their problems or rescue them, but instead problem solve creative solutions and encourage them to be brave enough to find their own solution without pulling you in to save them. Or if someone always needs you at the last minute, let them know that they can’t pull on you at the last minute because you need advance notice. Also, if someone one is always trying to influence you, then speak up and tell them you’re going to follow your own instincts because you trust yourself to know what you need. Whatever it looks like, the first step to setting better boundaries is to raise your voice and share with the people in your life where your limits and expectations are.

For more information on setting boundaries check out Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend’s famous book Boundaries. Or click the link below to check out PsychCentral’s article on the importance of boundaries.

Fail spectactularly

Most people are afraid of failure and afraid of change.  We are afraid to try anything new, or step outside of our comfort zones. So we settle, we get used to things as they are. We choose the easy road, and surrender to our circumstances.  We choose not to fight, not to risk, and choose the path of less resistance.

But deep down inside, we know we desire something better. Something more.  Because somewhere deep inside us there’s a fire, that  burns with fiery passion. Our souls long to do something, or be someone, but we’re too afraid to answer the call.

Why are we afraid to try?

We’re afraid of failing, afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being laughed at, of being scolded. We’re afraid of stepping out, and changing  what we are used to. Afraid of leaving our predictable, controllable lives.  And sometimes were afraid of disappointing those close to us. So we stay where we are. We try to convince ourselves that we like what we’re doing. We lie to ourselves, so well that we don’t even know that we’re doing it. We do it so often that we don’t even recognize the sound of our hearts screaming, “Set me free! I’m dying in here!” We smother our dreams, we bury our passions and ignore our what our heart desperately longs to do.

Don’t let fear of failure crush your passion and stifle your hearts. Don’t let your soul wither away because you’re afraid to follow your dreams. It might seem like that fear of failure is protecting you, keeping you from making a fool of yourself. But if the cost is letting your soul’s deepest desire wither away, then its not worth it!!

Here’s what I’ve learned…that failure, actually isn’t something to fear. Sure, it can be scary as we go through it, but it isn’t something we should shy away from.

How can you stop fearing failure?  By  changing  your mindset.    (After all fear is really all in your head.)
Here are some examples of people who failed terribly and were able to pick themselves back up and keep going. Hopefully they inspire and encourage you to never give up!

• Oprah was fired from her first job as a TV anchor in Baltimore…. And look at her now, she’s a star, and everyone knows her name.

• Thomas Edison’s teachers said that he was “too stupid to learn anything.” But he kept learning and inventing. Then he failed 1,000 times trying to invent the light bulb! But he didn’t give up, until he got it right. He kept trying until he finally got that dang light bulb to work! Thanks Thomas! Electricity is awesome.

• Winston Churchill actually failed the sixth grade! Then he was defeated every time he ran for public office, it took him until he was 62 to actually get elected! And  then he pretty much saved the United kingdom by keeping it from falling apart during the war.  Would the UK have survived the war, if Winston had given up and stopped running for office?

• Dr Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 different publishers. 27 different companies that that what he wrote was garbage, and not profitable. Who knew?

• J.K. Rowling was a broke, divorced single mother trying to write her first novel, while studying in school. She often felt depressed and thought of herself as a failure. And now, well, now she’s insanely rich and successful.

• Van Gough only ever sold one painting in his lifetime, it wasn’t until he died that anyone took any interest in his art. Poor Van Gough… but he didn’t quit, he kept on painting.

• Walt Disney was fired because, “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” Then he started a business, but failed and had to file bankruptcy. But he kept trying, and didn’t give up on his dreams! And now we all have Walt to thank for some of our greatest childhood memories.

• Abraham Lincoln was demoted from captain to private, in the military and his businesses failed several times. He even ran for office and was defeated several times! And of course now he has a giant monument dedicated in his honor in D.C. and is the most celebrated President  America has ever had.

The point is this, everyone one  fails, but successful people are the ones who take responsibility, learn from their  mistakes and then keep going! They keep setting goals and striving to reach them no matter, how often they fall. They use there mistakes as an opportunity to try it a different way, and understand that failure is a really useful learning experience.  Successful people don’t avoid failure, they embrace it! Because they know that failure is the most powerful teacher.

If all the worlds a stage, then let yourself soar, and don’t worry about who sees you fall. (Most people are too self absorbed to really keep track of everything you do anyways.)

So fail spectacularly! Fail with style! Let people wonder how you can be so strong that you bravely keep getting back up! And sure, there may be those who who think your foolish, for refusing to stay down. But just remember that you’ll prove em wrong in the end! Because your life is a stage, meant for soaring, falling, learning, trying and succeeding. Don’t let life pass you by, knowing you were too afraid to listen to your heart and follow your dreams.

The Dreamer and the Doer

Are you Dreamer (a visionary) Or a Doer?

The Dreamer: An imaginative person who is idealistic and dreams a lot. (not sleeping dreams). They think about the big picture. They strategize and plan projects and tend to dream big. They are imaginative and see the potential for what could be. They embrace new things and are a catalyst for change.


The Doer: A person who acts, rather then talking or thinking. The doer is all about action. They are  driven, go getter’s who want results. They focus on productivity rather than the big picture and their goals are much more realistic than the dreamers are.


Both the Dreamer and the Doer have important qualities, with strengths and weakness’s. Neither is better than the other, In fact to be truly successful we need a little bit of both, or just partner with someone who can do what you cant!

The Dreamer’s Weakness: Dreamer’s tend to have a hard time finishing their projects and seeing them thru to completion. They tend to give up easily because they lose focus. The get bogged down in the details and can stop making progress. They also have a hard time with deadlines and tend to under deliver on their promises. They want to accomplish there dream on their own, but often times they will need the help of a Doer.

The Doer’s Weakness: Doer’s lack vision and tend to be short sighted. This often  causes a doer to get stuck in a rut and become unmotivated. “What’s the point of it all?!” They might say. They may feel like they have no end goal in mind, and seemingly no purpose. They tend to follow the same tried and true route and don’t like taking new risks. They also avoid change and dislike deviating from the plan.

Here is a chart that shows the differences really well, from


Help for the Dreamer’s:

  1. If you are a dreamer, don’t try to go it alone! Go find a doer to help you accomplish your goals.

2. Try writing down your goals and give yourself a deadline.  Then  break it down into smaller pieces and give yourself smaller weekly deadlines.  Then start doing it! You can motivate yourself, by giving yourself a reward only if you are able to meet the final deadline. (I often reward myself with shopping money, it’s pretty motivating!)

3. Remember that your ideas will almost always take more time and resources than you expect. So plan to have more than enough money, support, resources and time than you think you’ll really need.

4. Know that it’s OK that some dreams or goals won’t work out. Don’t  be afraid! And don’t stress over it! If it’s not working, (or failed) there’s no shame in failure. You still learned something!

5. If you feel like quitting, try looking at it from a different perspective and try a new approach. Or  you can always do a different project and come back to it at a later time. Just try to focus on moving forward in action.


Help for the Doer’s:

  1.If you are a doer, team up with a dreamer to help you to not lose direction. There’s nothing wrong with having a partner, who can support you and guide you.

2. Try to be open to possibilities and embrace change. Find someone who has a different perspective than you, and does things differently so you can learn from them and try it their way.

3. Give  yourself permission to dream bigger. Take time to dream and look at the big picture then write it all down! Then put it some where you will see it everyday, so it can inspire, encourage and motivate you to keep going.

4. Remember that you can’t do it all yourself, it’s OK to ask for help.  Or to tell people no, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

5. Be curious and confident, and try to think outside of the box, like a dreamer would. Then go make it happen, you doer!!



Dreamers are Visionaries

Dreamers are the visionaries of the world

As children we lived life wide eyed in wonder. We  wore rose colored glasses and life was a great discovery! It was such an exciting adventure to discover the magic of a world that was new. We were dreamers and believed the impossible.

So why is it as adults our perception of life becomes so black and white? It becomes matter of fact, with no room for imagination and dreams. It becomes about being realistic. It becomes routine and in some cases dull, and we search from thrill to thrill. It becomes about practicality and maintaining what we have, instead of about dreaming and pursuing the impossible.

I want to inspire people back to that place. There is a difference between being childish, and childlike.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I want it back….. that childlike wonder I once had! It’s not that I want the immaturity of my childhood back, I have learned so much in my  life. But I do want the spontaneity, fearlessness, imagination, simplicity and innocence I once carried.

I want to be uninhibited. To never be intimidated by risk.

I want to be without guile,  genuine to who I am!

I want to trust Fully. To love without reservation.

To always have a positive visionary outlook.

To expect the best life has to offer.

 To always question the system, and the status quo!

To inspire people.

To see the potential in things and and others, that most people don’t notice.

To make opportunities where there are none.

To see things thru and never give up.

To dream the impossible.

To never take being alive for granted!

To see the wonder of life.

To be a dreamer and a visionary.

……. Because the world needs more adults who still remember how to be childlike.


Stop working and live life!

Sometimes we get so caught up working that we forget to just slow down and enjoy life.

(Unless you happen to be one of the few peoples who get to do what they love for work.) You are probably someone who just works to keep the bills paid.

Now, I would like to say thank you for doing your part to help make the world go round! Thank you for working hard and doing a good job.

However,  there is freedom the  unrelenting cycle of work.

You don’t have to strive so hard. Slow down and remember that we  are not what we do.

Don’t get lost in the never ending American lifestyle of work.

Yes It’s true, that we are lucky to be living in America where we can work and pursue our dreams. But sometimes I think we’ve got it backwards. We put too much emphasis on material things and forget to enjoy just being alive.

Americans are in such a mad rush all the time to get things done.  We are just so dang busy! Constantly working, trying to climb hirer and hirer.

We’re all trying to keep up. But keep up with who?

With the Jones of course! The fictional American family that has everything and does it all. The American Ideal.

We try so hard to have and do it all, that we forget to relax and really live our lives!

We are either busy working or totally exhausted. That’s why we Americans love entertainment! We are so burnt out by the end of the day/week. That we just want to be able to sit on the couch and be entertained. We want to forget about the exhaustion for a while, and be absorbed into someone else’s drama for a change.  We want to focus on a more glamorous, or exciting, or mysterious, or humorous life. So we can forget about our own.

But not everyone one lives like this. When I was overseas I was very surprised to see how different life can be. For example In Italy and Spain they take time for several long coffee breaks throughout the day.  And they are known for taking 2 hour or more lunch breaks!  These breaks are to relax, and unwind, not scarf down food so we can keep working. In Italy they don’t really care so much about what you do. The care about you as a person. Not you as the banker or artist, or waitress, teacher.

The you without your job. Who are you outside of your job?

Take time to cultivate the you, that you are outside of work.

Take time to really LIVE, because you only live once.

So, if you feel like you only exist to work, here are a couple of suggestions for you. 🙂

  • Take time to slow down. Literally, walk slowly and actually notice your surroundings.
  • Notice the beauty in the small things, that you normally don’t see.
  • Take time off from work, to do something peaceful and surround yourself with beauty. It calms the soul.
  • Find something or someone you love, and spend your time with them.  Let them remind you of what is important in life.
  • Turn OFF you cell phone, ipad, computer and T.V. and leave it off for a whole day!
  • Challenge yourself.
  • Resist the urge to spend all your free time on the internet.
  • Do something your inner child would have loved to do. Think back, did little you ever say, ” I cant wait to grow up, because then I can…”? Then do it! Fulfill that child’s dream.
  • Or, intentionally take time off work to do something with your kids that you normally wouldn’t do.
  • Pursue your long lost hobbies. Ones you gave up on, or feel you don’t have time for. Force yourself to try it again. You’re never too old!
  • Send a message to a long lost friend.
  • Or reach out to someone who is going through a hard time. Be encouraging to them.
  • Take the scenic way home from work today. Stop somewhere you’ve never been! Make it an adventure.
  • Say yes, to something you normally say no to.
  • Imagine that your life has a soundtrack. Then decide what yours would sound like.  What message would your soundtrack be conveying? If you don’t like that message, make it better!
  • If it’s a sunny day, go for a stroll or, lay down in the grass and stare at the clouds.
  • Even if it is a stormy day, go outside and admire the beauty of nature in storm mode. Take a deep breathe of the refreshingly, cold air. And  appreciate it for what it is.
  • Dream big dreams.
  • Never stop dreaming.
  • Do something just because someone said it was impossible.
  • Give someone a hug, and linger for a moment in their embrace. Appreciate that this person still exists.
  • Smile more!
  • Use your imagination and create something.
  • Cut down on your expenses, so you aren’t a slave to your job!
  • Reduce, and reuse to save money.
  • Use your imagination and create something.
  • Go on a drive  with someone close to you and park somewhere that you can admire the stars. Contemplate whether or not there is life in a galaxy far, far away.
  • Treat yourself and get a relaxing massage!
  • Appreciate that you can still, walk, talk, see, taste and hear. Because not everyone can.
  • Then go eat some ice cream, just like a kid.
  • Give something to the less fortunate, it will remind you how lucky you are to be alive.
  • Force yourself out of your box and do something unusual!
  • Do something weird, just for the hell of it.
  • Be thankful that you have freedom. Use that freedom to do something you’ve never done. Tell your boss you’re sick today, then get out of the house and do something fun!
  • Smile and laugh for no reason at all. Let it confuse people.
  • Stop caring about what people think about you! It will set you free.
  • Dance and sing when your home alone.

Just remember,

Life is not about reaching a certain amount of moments, it is about a collection of moments where you have truly lived.

Things we never say, but should

How often are things left unsaid?
We just go about our normal lives in our routines and just get used to how things are and the people in our lives.
As if our family and friends will live forever.
But anything can happen,  and there is no guarantee that we will all be alive tomorrow.
So I for one, do not want to lose someone and then have to live with the regret of what I didn’t say.
I don’t want mourn over the words left unsaid, when it is too late to say them.
So, I’ve come up with a list to remind myself of things to say more often.
These phrases should be common things we say to our family and friends.
Because you never know what words might be your last.
So go ahead and play the music, as you read and feel free to comment with anything that I may have missed.


“I love you”
“You mean so much to me”
“How is your heart feeling today?”
“What are you thinking about?”
“I appreciate the little things you do”
“Thank you”
“You have a beautiful soul”
“You have the most amazing heart I have ever seen”
“I need you”
“You make me come alive”
“You make my heart smile”
“It’s been a pleasure knowing you”
“You have impacted my life in incredible ways”
“I’m with you, no matter what”
“I’m here for you, when you’re ready”
“Don’t give up”
“You are not a lost cause”
“I am so proud of you”
“There is no one like you, ever.”
“I love when you smile”
“It’s OK, everyone makes mistakes”
“I forgive you”
“You can never be replaced”
“Thank you for being who you are”
“Thank you for always sticking by me”
“You are good enough”
“You have purpose”
“You are worth fighting for”
“You mean the world to me”
“I’m so grateful to have you in my life”